Life is too important to be take seriously.

Chocolatey Kickstarter Funded! A list of my current packages

Monday, December 15, 2014 at 3:39 AM UTC

The third (second successful) Kickstarter campaign that I pledged to the Chocolatey Kickstarter campaign was successfully funded.  I always like reading what tools other developers are using so to celebrate, I thought I would publish the packages I currently have installed.

I may have an issue with being obsessed with editors.


Atom Cross platform editor from github. The official Windows installation is delivered via Chocolatey.
linqpad4.install LinqPad essential editor for working with Linq and C# snippits.  It will be interesting to see if scriptcs can be integrated SublimeText3 my goto text editor.  This package includes Package Control
SublimeText3.PowershellAlias Installs a powershell subl alias for sublimtetext
vim Still trying to grok vim.  Probably still resent it from the late 80s.
brackets Adobe open source editor.  Designed for web design.
notepadplusplus.install Before I discovered SublimeText this was my text editor of choice.  Now I usually only use it when I have character encoding issues with files. 

Close behind my obsession with editors is my love to learn new programming languages.


erlang One of the three languages I am currently getting acquainted with.  Used in CouchDB and RabbitMQ.
golang One of the three languages I am currently getting acquainted with.
rust One of the three languages I am currently getting acquainted with.
ruby installs the current version of ruby.  Currently 2.1.3 mostly used for Sass
ruby1.9 Installs the latest 1.9 version of ruby
pik Helps manage multiple versions of Ruby on Windows
python2 Installs the latest version of python 2
python3 Installs the latest version of python 3
scriptcs Interesting REPL for C#.  Originally started by Glenn Block
pscx PowerShell Community Extensions (PSCX) is aimed at providing a widely useful set of additional cmdlets, providers, aliases, filters, functions and scripts for Windows PowerShell that members of the community have expressed interest in.
nodejs.install latest version of node


mysql Latest version of mySql
mysql.workbench Latest version of mySql Workbench
mongodb Latest version of mongodb

Programming Utilities

baretail great tool for viewing text log files on Windows
dependencywalker oldie but still necessary when trying to track down missing dependencies in c++ dlls
beyondcompare great cross platform file comparison tool
git.install Latest version of git
githubforwindows Latest github for Windows
smtp4dev Utility for capturing emails sent during development
SourceCodePro My new font of choice for code
fiddler4 Essential tool for debugging and testing web services and monitoring web traffic
InnoSetup Free tool to create setup programs
InstEd MSI editor, Better than trying to find orca


ConEmu Great Windows console emulator.
EthanBrown.ConEmuConfig Great initial settings for ConEmuConfig
7zip.install Free file archiver with support for unpacking most compression formats
7zip.commandline command line utility for 7-zip
autohotkey.install Free open source macro creation and automation software
autoit.commandline comes with github
scite4autohotkey AutoHotkey script editor
cdburnerxp Free CD/DVD burner application.  Also lets you create Isos
crystaldiskinfo Show the health status of hard drives
winsplit Utility that is great for managing windows on a 4K display
pidgin multiple chat network client
ditto Advanced clipboard manager
dropbox I mostly use OneDrive but occasionally use dropbox
filezilla Simple and full featured ftp client.
flashplayerplugin Easy way to keep flash player updated
virtualbox latest VirtualBox install
virtualbox.extensionpack and extensions
windirstat a good way to find out where all your space went.
WindowsLiveWriter still my favorite blog editor
PreCode.WLW code formatting plugin for Windows Live Writer
sumatrapdf.install Free pdf, epub, mobi, and other ebook reader
teamviewer Great cross platform remote access program
truecrypt Free open-source disk encryption software for Windows – 7.1a
vcredist2010 Visual Studio runtime
yumi Universal multibook installer
puretext Paste text as pure text

Media Utilities A package of apps to work with postscript files
audacity Free software for recording and editing sound files
handbrake.install A tool for converting video from nearly any format to a selection of modern, widely supported codecs.
ffmpeg Converts any media file to any other media type Replaces most of what I use Adobe Photoshop for. 
gimp Still trying to get used to this program after all these years but since I decided to cut my Adobe Creative Cloud Subscription it works well enough for the occasions when I need more than
inkscape –pre Adobe Illustrator replacement
vlc Plays anything thrown at it